Moving to a new home in a completely new neighborhood or city can be an exciting time for you and your family. Being ready to move to a larger home might bring significant changes to your daily routine. However, all the excitement related to packing and planning your relocation might obscure the fact that you need to think not only about the relocation and home improvements but also about the safety of your home. Of course, there is no need to worry – there are a few simple ways to make your new home sweet (safe) home after you move in.
Sure, locking your doors and shutting your windows when you’re out and about is good enough for the time being. However, it is probably best to introduce additional safety measures, especially if you have children. Otherwise, you probably want to make sure your new home is not broken into or vandalized if you decide to go on a trip.

Use your TV and other appliances to create the impression someone is at home
Interestingly enough, statistics show that the majority of break-ins occur during the day when you and your family members are at work or in school. However, this does not mean burglaries do not happen after nightfall. A home that does not show signs of occupancy, such as sounds and light, is an easy target for potential burglaries.
The simplest way to ensure your home does not give off the impression that there is nobody around is to set an automatic timer that will turn on your TV, radio, front door, and indoor lights. One reason why setting a timer to do this is better than leaving your lights and appliances on all the time is related not only to energy efficiency but also to not raise suspicion in the form of light bulbs glowing during the day.
Examine your front door
Although it might seem as if your front doors are impenetrable, we recommend that you check to what extent this might be the case. If your doors are made of solid hardwood or steel, and they do not seem to create gaps or air cushions, then you probably have no cause for concern. If your doors seem flimsy in any way, you might want to consider changing them when you start renovating your home.
However, regardless of the material your door is made of, the most foolproof way to prevent burglars from entering your home is to install a four-screw deadbolt strike plate. You should be able to get these types of locking mechanisms at your local hardware store, although it might be somewhat tricky to install them yourself. Look for screws that are at least 3 inches long so that you can be sure that the plate cannot be pulled out of the door frame.

So, before you move in, you should definitely make sure that your home is safe enough for your family. Since the level of security your front door provides is one of the most crucial safety considerations in your home, it is best if you do all the necessary checks and potential replacements in time.
Juggling tasks related to your home renovation while at the same time preparing your kids for a move and relocating with the entire family is a challenge, but you will be thankful that you took all precautionary measures prior to the move-in. Afterward, you and your kids will be able to focus on unpacking and adapting to a new environment in a secure environment without worrying about the security of your home.
Look out for windows and sliding doors
Some older homes might be burglary bait only due to the fact they still have horizontal sliding windows or doors. Until you find the time and the resources to replace these, you can put a dowel or shower curtain rod in the mechanism to prevent intruders from sliding the window open.
You can also look into window alarms, which can detect forceful attempts to enter the room through a system of sensors. These alarms will send out a text message or notification when it detects any tinkering with the sliding windows or doors. In turn, you can video record the situation, turn on the lights remotely, and notify the police that there is a break-in going on on the site.
Use signs to deter intruders
Placing a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign or fake security cameras is an excellent strategy to warn potential burglars that your home is protected and well-secured. As they are probably on the lookout for the easiest house to break in, these signs might give them the impression that you have done your homework and taken the necessary anti-burglar measures. Otherwise, if you have invested in a home security alarm, be sure to put up a sign that states your home is protected.
Light up the place
As we mentioned previously, it is crucial that your home is well-lit while you are away from home. Also, consider installing motion detecting lights at your doorstep and other spots where there is a possibility that someone might break into your home.

One of the simple ways to make your new home safer at night is to invest in a good lamp with an energy-saving lightbulb. In this way, you can keep it on at night and create an impression that someone is at home without wasting a lot of energy.
Author bio
Patricia Callahan is a blogger and a lover of all things interior design. She frequently writes about home design and security, and finds inspiration for her own home in other articles. When she isn’t writing, she is scouring the local flea markets for interesting trinkets.