A student’s success largely depends on the space they conduct their studies in. For instance, universities have spacious and silent lecture halls, which allow students to focus on their educational process. Concentrating attention on studies while being at home is usually a much greater challenge, but it’s not entirely impossible.
Some students can work while sitting on a couch with a laptop or a book on their lap, while others can’t function efficiently without a dedicated area equipped with various tools to help them study.
Today we will tell you how to correctly set up a highly efficient study at home, which would be of great help to any student on their road to academic success.
How to create an effective space for studying at home?
In 2021 when studying remotely has been all the rage, a well-organized workspace can be a difference between a successful student and a slacker. We prepared some time-proven tips that will elevate your space and shape it into a super-efficient studying corner any student will benefit from.
Selecting a study room
The first order of business is selecting a perfect study space within your home. The further room dedicated to studying is from the kitchen, places where little children play, or TV is kept on, the more students will be able to immerse themselves in the educational process.
However, it is not always possible or even necessary to allocate an entire room for studying. If needed, one can resort to zoning – leaving a section of the room to serve as workspace in the bedroom, living room, kitchen, or even an insulated loggia. It can be separated from the rest of the space with a screen or a wardrobe.
Creative tasks, especially writing ones, require a secluded quiet space for a student to work in. If you struggle with writing your essays at home, specialists at TrustMyPaper are ready to help you out. Feel free to reach out, so that your assignments are perfect every time regardless of your studying conditions.

Choosing the right colour
There is an opinion that a creative person (and a student unmistakably falls into that category!) should be surrounded by vibrant creativity-inducing colors and details. Yet, it’s important not to overuse saturated shades. Light neutral tones help to dissociate from one’s surroundings and maintain focus, while bright colors may distract and overwhelm the brain.
Colors affect the human mind differently. Green, yellow, and orange have a positive influence on the work process, increasing activity and helping with concentration. Details in such colors can make space feel more alive, yet they should be added sparingly. It is not recommended to choose blue and purple for the workspace – while considered calming colors, they can reduce one’s productivity. There is no place for red in the study at all: it causes irritability and is even known to elevate heart rate.
Importance of proper lighting
Ophthalmologists recommend using natural light as it’s beneficial for vision while inducing concentration – our brain is biologically more alert and ready to work during the day. Preferably, the table should be located next to a window – either in front of it or so that light falls from the left side (or from the right, if a person is left-handed).
It is necessary to provide good artificial lighting for late-night studies. A table lamp should be positioned so that shadow from the working hand does not fall on the keyboard, notebook, etc. Studying in complete darkness with light coming only from a computer screen is undesirable – such a drastic contrast adversely affects vision, causes headaches, irritated nerve receptors, and is bad for focusing.

Furniture shopping
The main requirement for student’s workplace furniture is its functionality and simplicity. Start by choosing a proper ergonomic desk. Ideally, it should be equipped with shelves for textbooks, space for printers and scanners, extra drawers for storage, etc.
Another major order of business is picking the right chair. It should be an office chair with the ability to adjust its height and angle of inclination for its back. Such a chair helps to maintain a healthy posture, avoid muscle tension, and as a result, back problems and headaches.
Since students will likely spend much time sitting, it is necessary to make the setup ergonomic and comfortable.
- When sitting at the desk, the student’s back should be straight and not hunched over.
- Forearms must lie without tension, completely placed on the work surface.
- Legs should rest comfortably on the ground.
- Monitor or laptop screen should be at eye level.
Yet, sometimes even the most comfortable conditions don’t guarantee great results, unlike skilled writers at Supreme Dissertations, who can take over your academic tasks, letting you organize your home study space in peace.

Major Don’ts when Creating an Effective Workspace
To get the most out of your home study, you should avoid common mistakes. To do this, observe the following rules:
- Workspace and field of view should not be cluttered with unnecessary unused objects – they will divert attention from studying. Only keep items essential for work on the table.
- Temperature also plays a huge role in productivity. The study should not be hot and stuffy. It is necessary to keep air fresh by airing the room out periodically.
- The most common mistake is having free access to distractions while studying. All gadgets should be turned off or muted. When working with a computer, close all unnecessary tabs, social networks, mail, etc., otherwise, you will be constantly distracted by new messages.
On the right track
How a student’s working area is organized determines their productivity and effectiveness in the educational process. An uncomfortable desk, poorly lit room, absence of peace, and quiet can greatly reduce the quality of learning.
At the university, workplaces for students have already been created with ergonomic standards in mind. There is little that you can change about them. But at home, you have free rein, and your creative imagination can help you equip your work area, so it ideally fits your needs, health requirements, and preferences. We hope that our tips will help you organize a perfect home study to achieve maximum productivity!
Author Bio
Erica Sunarjo is a professional writer, translator, and editor with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Social Media. She writes thought-provoking articles for publications in a variety of media. Even though she is an expert in numerous fields of business, Erica is always dedicated to learning new things.