From Nightclub Owner to Multiple Location Franchisee
“This has never felt like a job, for me it is just like music… it’s a passion.”
Jeff Cormier is the franchise owner for Dieppe/Shediac and Saint John, NB. We spoke to him about his unique journey to becoming a franchisee.

What did you do before
I was in the bar and nightclub industry. I ran the gamut, starting out working the door as security, then I moved to DJing, bartending, managing, and eventually owning the largest nightclub in New Brunswick with over 90 staff. I was in the industry from its heyday to its slow, lingering demise. You could see the industry collapsing all over the world with huge bars and nightclubs closing. People were downloading music and social media was making it easier to connect with friends instead of gathering in a bar.
How did you first become aware of and how did you get started with the company?
Being from Moncton, New Brunswick I was always aware of as the Home Office is in my backyard. When I started with in 2014, I was lost, devastated, had zero confidence, and was struggling. I had just closed my bar four months earlier, I had to lay off a bunch of staff and leave an industry that I was in for over 20 years. So, I was left wondering “what’s next?”
I was told about the general manager position with the Greater Moncton franchise location and I applied along with a bunch of other people. Low and behold, I got the job. I jumped in head-first and I hit the ground running, taking it all in and learning as much as I could.
That first month as GM, our franchise finished first in total listings in the country. Just like that, I had my confidence back, I had a fire lit under me again. I was able to turn my life around on a dime! After that first month, it was my goal to own a franchise myself! Just eight months later, I did…. and I finished first in the country again, this time as a rookie franchise owner!

What does your typical day as a multiple franchise owner look like?
Every day is different but my motto is always the same…. hustle. Some days I’m on the phone prospecting and chatting with potential clients, other days I am putting up listings, and some days I’m doing everything… calls, listings, installing signs. “Typical” is not a word that we use very often at!
What do you do in your downtime?
In my downtime, I juggle drumming duties between a couple of bands and write and record songs. Music is my passion, and I would say is a close second. The thing with is that you have the flexibility to control your own schedule. I have the ability to set my calendar for clients, rehearsals, and gigs along with the occasional round of golf.
What is the best part of being a franchisee?
The best part of being a franchisee is the feeling of family. As I said, I was lost in the beginning but when I joined it felt like I belonged. It’s not just a business, it’s a culture… a way of life. I can reach out to any franchisee at any time and they are always there to lend a hand or offer some advice. It really is one big family.
What I like most is that I am responsible for my success and failure. I am not just trading time for money. I am building a business and brand. I see the change we are making in the real estate industry and it’s exciting to watch the brand grow.
Interested in exploring a franchise opportunity in your community? Inquire today.