With the average house price in Canada now over 600,000, real estate commission fees continue to climb. Based on an average of 5% of the transaction, that checks out at a whopping $30,000 (plus tax) out of pocket for Canadian homeowners.
Sound steep? It is. With the holiday season in full swing, we’ve compiled a list of things you could gift yourself instead. Spoiler alert: they’re all way better than paying someone else that cash!

A Tiny Home
Yep, you could buy a brand new tiny home for around $30,000. You would still need a lot to put it on, or maybe you’re the adventurer type who wants to take it on the road. Either way, it’s a steal to downsize and a dream to live mortgage-free!

Both the 2020 Toyota Rav4 and Honda CRV start at just under 30,000. The hardest part will be deciding which colour and features you want for your new vehicle! Awesome theme song as you drive off the lot? Priceless.

A Lot by the Water
Yes, you could own a lot by the water in beautiful Prince Edward Island. A life of stunning scenery, world-renowned cheese, great golf and red sandy beaches awaits!

A Sweet Ride
No wishlist is complete with splurging on a new toy! Get a limited-edition anniversary 2020 Harley Davidson Fat Boy 114 for tackling the rolling road fast and free.

A University Education
According to MacLean’s, the University of Toronto is the top-ranked post-secondary school in the country this year in terms of overall quality. You could clock three years in their Bachelor’s of Nursing program for about $30,000.

A Trip of a Lifetime
Ever dream about travelling the world? Maybe now more than ever that seems like a fantasy, but it’s said you can experience a world trip for about $30,000. While it may not be all five-star resorts, once we’re able to travel again, we’d take a tent and a plane ticket anywhere!

A Fresh Start
PropertyGuys.com exclusive franchise territories start at $30,000 which means that you could take control of your future, kick the corporate ladder and gain a flexible schedule for this low investment.
While not everyone is able to save tens of thousands of dollars on the sale of their home, it’s always wise to evaluate your options when deciding on the method that suits you best. Perhaps the traditional method holds an equal amount of value for you or you’re looking at a lower asking price. In any case, we can dream of riding Harleys on our vacation around the world before buying a PropertyGuys.com franchise after university and settling into our tiny home.
Ahh. 😍
While this list illustrates some exciting options of where to spend the money you may otherwise pay in commission, it’s important to note that not everyone pays $30,000 on the sale of their home. These examples are for illustrative purposes only and detail the money potentially saved based on the average sale price data of $604,000 and an average of 5% commission paid to real estate agents on that transaction, whose fees are negotiable.