“Never give up, build relationships, make a difference.”
“The pandemic has been challenging. We couldn’t knock on doors, our inventory was down, and we had to completely shift how we do business.”
Words that have been heard all too often in the past 18 months. With so much adversity, the unfortunate reality for a lot of business owners was either to fold, or to power through, dig deep, and survive.
Ben Quenneville of PropertyGuys.com Brockville-Leeds Grenville chose the latter.
Being notified of his nomination for the Town of Prescott Business of the Year award in March 2020, Quenneville was understandably excited. Then, the market as the world knew it shifted as COVID-19 began to tear through Canada. With so much uncertainty, Quenneville needed to make some decisions on how to move his business forward in a global pandemic.
Cut to 2021, and his choices were obviously merited as Quenneville was awarded Business of the Year for his dedication to the betterment of his community and his philanthropy.
This award comes at the perfect time. As the pandemic lingers, Quenneville calls his BOTY award a welcome “pick-me-up” and he looks forward to seeing how business continues to improve in the coming months.
Quenneville extends his thanks to his team, partners and friends.
He leaves us with these powerful words: “Never give up, build relationships, make a difference.”
Congratulations, Ben! May you continue to shine and be an inspiration to all. ⭐